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Our Mission

To use and provide the wondrous sport of pickleball as a modality of therapy to foster a sense of community, fun, and mental wellbeing for facilities or individuals struggling with mental health

Our Story


William, our founder and competitive pickleball player, practices at Memorial Park in Santa Monica, and formed a community of friends from a range of backgrounds. Lawyers, Business Men and Woman, Artists, Retirees, and so many more. What William found was that many of these people he had met used pickleball as a way to release stress, anxiety, unwanted feelings, etc. Pickleball's almost addictive nature created an environment that seemed to diffuse these mental struggles.


With this in mind, PickleballPeaceProject was founded on the premise that pickleball CAN be used as a modality of therapy. The next natural step was to bring pickleball to those who need it at the most. We offer our services for free, through our sponsors and volunteers, to treatment centers, facilities, individuals, and more!


Sometimes, the simplest solution will work, and pickleball is the greatest example of this. 


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